Thursday, January 8, 2009

Let the "Change" Begin

The very things that we hate about politics, and the same very things that they deny complicity-they do again. This whole Illinois Senate seat debacle has went from joke, to impasse, to political theater, to “small hurdle” (Sen. Harry Reid). Is it a need to keep the ratings up on the political news shows? It certainly amps up the talk radio hosts, and that’s always great for the ride to work. The sad thing is that it’s much more devious than that customarily.
Personally I am at odds with the lack of moral rectitude (that was dubious from day one) and the ability to stop playing to the audience for what they call in the sports entertainment industry a “cheap pop” or playing to the crowd. Then, without disappointment, they reposition themselves as if there isn’t a record of their previous stance. Harry Reid has the constitution of a paper mache’ and the political shrewdness of a court jester. I am at my wit’s end with that hack, and we need to start holding these people accountable for these public displays of incompetence and the impropriety of duty.
This could be my naivete, and the “political” equivalent of getting your hands dirty-but it doesn’t purify the deed. It is in my hopes that the “change” will come, and assuage these loathsome acts of self assent.

“The best way to appreciate your job is to imagine yourself without one.”

Oscar Wilde

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