One of the so-called rules of writing, or journalism specifically is to hit hard. Hit hard in the context of stating something bold and build your story from there. Don't take the blank sheet of paper, or the computer screen lightly. Well, here it goes. IM WILLING TO PAY MORE TAXES.
In fact, tax me another 10%. So many of the "righties" scream horrific, bloody murder because the president is moving forward with the very agenda that he put forward during the election. Look, I love money as much as the next guy. I do. I love to buy stuff with it. I need it. All of that being said, I am 100% behind an agenda that will reinvest in what is great about America. The republican brain-trust speaks so reverently about "American's can do anything" if that pesky government keeps their hands off of them. A nice principle in theory. Seriously, so you believe that all business should go unregulated because man in business is inherently more just than man in government? The problem with any organization is people, and poor leadership. The greed and incompetence of man are the most pernicious forces known to us. A great leader can inspire men to believe in themselves, and aspire for greatness. A poor manager can demoralize the engagement of the people. Our forefathers loved this country, no doubt about it. They believed in it when there was nothing but hope. They inspired man to work together for the greater good of a people, which became a community, which became a nation. Their vision saw a world like ours, not unlike the evils of monarchies and dictatorships, but one where power consumed man. Then man consumed everything. That's why they provided us a democracy that had competitive branches of government. This very juncture, where one party rules all is a product of years of Republican degradation and greed. Years of torture is for our safety, and government incompetence is tantamount to effective government because it's less.
The righties believe in "rewarding hard work" which again sounds greeeeeeeat! Anyone can get behind that. It is an oversimplification of what hard work actually is, and how it can be measured. Hard work can be conflated with greed, and fraud. Hard work, by some, is only reflective in the amount of zeros in their paycheck. "Hard Work" in this context can be inherited, it can be stumbled upon. It is a principle that ultimately weakens our country. In fact, I believe that it limits creativity of both the individual, and of the less fortunate. Genius and talent can be a blessing bestowed on any person. Sometimes these people can overcome their circumstances. And in some cases they take their talents, and apply it to something subversive to both themselves and the world. This is not a socialist principle. The worst of our inner demons get the best of us, and we sometimes only see the worst cases of what happens with altruism. We see the opportunists and free loaders as the representation of government funded programs. I am in absolute agreement here and find myself to be a major proponent of reform in welfare, and Medicaid. It's truly baffling to me to only look at what it says on the calculator of what percentage of income goes to the government. In some cases it can be excessive, and of course there should be breaks for the enterprises that move America forward. Energy independence and green energy, and companies that maintain a majority American workforce should be given a break. But this maniacal idea that the 90's era tax code is the end of times for America is damn right selfish. In most cases those that are trumpeting these calls for revolution were the most influential and supportive voices behind the president, and his mismanagement of the war, and the billions of dollars that were squandered so carelessly. They don't have a problem that a Bush lead government failed to recognize the expense of the war in the national budget, and spent more money than any president ever. Here we are nation building and pumping money in "no bid" contracts for the American war machine both internally and private in a country that doesn't want us there. Yet this president says he wants to be aggressive, and put money back into infrastructure. How American is that? Everyone says what's great about America is the ingenuity of its people. Why not invest in that? The abyss of debt that we are currently in is not Barack Obama's fault. He was given a starting point of debt that was insurmountable under the current course. Kind of like the usual college kid that graduates in the 21st century. Even like a man or woman, or child that has no choice of the defects deep inside their body that they are unable to pay for the care that is required. But trillions of dollars pumped into the wars of lies, and deception, it's okay—put it on our American Express.